A recap on Terminating Decimals:
– To figure out whether the fraction is terminating, bring it down to its lowest form.
– Focus on the denominator – if it is of the form , the fraction is terminating, else it is not.
Keeping this in mind, let’s look at a couple of DS questions on terminating decimals.
Question 1: If ,
are integers and
, is
a terminating decimal?
Statement 1:
Statement 2:
Given: ,
are integers
Question: Is a terminating decimal?
or is ?
We know that powers of 2 and 5 in the denominator are acceptable for the decimal to be terminating. If there is a power of 3 in the denominator after reducing the fraction, then the decimal in non- terminating. So our question is basically whether the power of 3 in the denominator gets cancelled by the power of 3 in the numerator. If is greater than (or equal to)
, after reducing the fraction to lowest terms, it will have no 3 in the denominator which will make it a terminating decimal. If
is less than
, even after reducing the fraction to its lowest terms, it will have some powers of 3 in the dominator which will make it a non-terminating decimal.
Question: Is ?
Statement 1:
This statement doesn’t tell us anything about the relation between and
. Hence this statement alone is not sufficient.
Statement 2:
This statement tells us that is greater than
. This means that after we reduce the fraction to its lowest form, there will be no 3 in the denominator and it will be of the form
only. Hence it will be a terminating decimal. This statement alone is sufficient.
Answer (B).
Now onto another DS question.
Question 2: If , is it possible to write
as a terminating decimal?
Statement 1: is an integer.
Statement 2: is an integer.
Question: Is a terminating decimal?
Again, will be a terminating decimal if it is of the form
Statement 1: is an integer.
(an integer)
Is a terminating decimal? We don’t know. If
has 3 as a factor,
will be a terminating decimal. Else it will not be. This statement alone is not sufficient.
Statement 2: is an integer.
(an integer)
Is a terminating decimal? We don’t know. If
has 7 as a factor,
will be a terminating decimal. Else it will not be. This statement alone is not sufficient.
Taking both together,
Since and
are integers,
will be a multiple of 6 (and thereby of 3 too) and
will be a multiple of 7. So
will be a terminating decimal.
Answer (C).